KIT includes: 1 Tilt Bar (#1476) and 2 end Caps (#1839) - Select your tilt bar length: 24", or 36", or 48". Price goes up with longer bars.
- Comes with 2 end caps, part 1839
- Compact Front Tilt Bar with Hollow Core.
- The tilt bar is NOT predrilled. You can cut it to desired length.
- Vinyl. Off White
- Commonly used in Vinyl, Polysatin, Hunter Douglas Palm Beach,
- Use with cufflink connectors, part #1760, or #1555, sold separately
If you prefer Custom Cut Length & Predrilled Holes in your Tilt Bar, please see part number 1476-CUSTOM.
- Mark locations of all the new holes.
- On the Tilt Bar, Drill the holes with 13/64" drill bit (you can also use smaller drill bit 3/16" OR bigger drill bit 7/32")
- Insert Cuff Link connectors
- Insert Tilt Bar with attached Cuff Link into Louvers.
- Insert Tilt Bar End Caps
